From a captain and leader on and off the field Mitch was an every sports star growing up! Now a retired CIS, MFL & Team Canada Football wide receiver & punt returner with a BSc in Kinesiology, Mitchell brings knowledge from trainers and coaches from across the country. He has been in the fitness industry for over 18 years and is certified through CanFit PRO as a specialized personal trainer, Crossfit Level 1, Precision Nutrition, TRX Coach, Olympic Lifting, Pregnancy & Postpartum Recovery, Life Coaching & many more.
Over the years Mitch has trained in the Maritimes, had a quick stop in Toronto and now has called Calgary home for the last 10 years. He brings an athlete mentality to the gym and coaching styles from his mentors. Every session is different and constantly varied from the reps, weights, tempo & recovery. We will tap into weightlifting, gymnastics, strength, hypertrophy and the biggest muscle of all your mindset. “I program for my elite athletes and scale as needed to accommodate any fitness level from beginner to pro athlete.” “Constantly varied programming has been the best way I have found to keep the athletes engaged and breed new results. Every session being different sets me apart from linier programming coaches who write 1 program for each goal.”
Getting You To Your Goal

From a captain and leader on and off the field Mitchell was an every sport star growing up! Now a retired CIS, MFL & Team Canada Football wide receiver & punt returner, Mitchell brings knowledge from trainers and coaches from across the country. He has been in the fitness industry for over 15 years and is certified through CanFit PRO as a specialized personal trainer, Crossfit Level 1, Precision Nutrition, TRX Coach, Olympic Lifting, Pregnancy & Postpartum Recovery & Life Coaching.